Getting married expensive in Son and Breugel and Neunen

Marriage expensive in Son & Breugel and Neunen
Photo Credit: Studio040

Are you getting married on the most popular day Friday? In the municipalities of Son en Breugel and Nuenen, it has become considerably more expensive.

This is according to a comparison by the website The website asked all municipalities in the Netherlands about the price of getting married on a Friday. This showed big differences. In general, wedding prices show a big increase this year. Moreover, every place has its conditions around getting married. In most places, it is free on Monday morning.


Son en Breugel increased the cost from €620 to €735 (almost nineteen percent more expensive) in 2024. In the municipality of Nuenen, it will cost you €735 to get married in the town hall. Last year, it cost €620. An increase of over eighteen percent.

In Geldrop-Mierlo, the amount went up by 5.2 percent from €455 to €478.70. In Best an increase of 5.1 percent. Marrying there now costs €467. Waalre charges €445 in 2024, up from €420 last year. Finally, Eindhoven increased the price by €25. There, you now pay €630 to take your wedding vows on Friday.

Source: Studio040

Translation: Chaitali Sengupta

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