City politicians support new community centre for Meerhoven

Meerhoven shopping centre
Photo credit: Studio040

A majority of the Eindhoven city council wants Meerhoven to have its own community centre. Seven parties responded to a petition from residents, which was signed 750 times. There is now a lack of social cohesion in the neighbourhood, according to the residents behind the petition.

The petition was presented to the municipality at the end of last year. Residents are calling for a library and central centre in the neighbourhood. Meerhoven is growing quickly and is very diverse. Many international knowledge workers now live in the neighbourhood. According to the initiators of the petition, this puts pressure on social cohesion as many residents live next to each other. The new community centre should ensure that residents come closer together. This gives them a place to drink a cup of coffee together, take language courses, attend reading afternoons and organise other activities.


The parties CDA, PvdD, 50PLUS, VOLT, Ouderen Appèl, GroenLinks and the PvdA agree with this and call on the mayor and aldermen to take action. The factions are asking the city council to investigate where such a community centre could be located and what it should look like. ‘We believe that Meerhoven deserves a library and community centre. The growth of the city also requires attention to places for meeting.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

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