Intercity Eindhoven – Aachen likely to be delayed

Intercity Eindhoven-Aachen will be delayed
Photo Credit: Studio040

It is highly questionable whether an  intercity connection from Eindhoven to Aachen, running only on the ‘ fringes of the day’, can be realised before 2025.

State Secretary Heijnen of Infrastructure and Water Management has informed about this. From Maastricht, an express train now runs twice an hour via Heerlen to German Herzogenrath. Once an hour that train continues on to Aachen, and in 2025 that will be twice an hour.

However, plans for an early morning and evening connection to Eindhoven will not be executed soon. With the Brainportdeal, €125 million became available for expanding the railroad around Eindhoven. More money is needed for such an additional jump in scale, the state secretary reports.

The goal of having the train to Aachen running from 2025 “is and remains very ambitious,” says Heijnen.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Chaitali Sengupta. She also gives online INBURGERING classes.

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