On Tuesday there will be cars and lorries driving through the tunnel, but on Sunday hundreds of walkers and cyclists claimed it. After nearly two years, the new tunnel under the Eindhoven Bypass is complete.
Before its official opening, citizens were offered the opportunity to explore the tunnel. Many Eindhoven people did not need to be urged, for they came to have a look in their hundreds – by bike, scooter, or on foot. “A unique opportunity for a look behind the scenes”, alderperson for Brainport Stijn Steenbakkers called it.
In the course of nearly two years, close to two thousand people collaborated in the project, for example the minicipality, Strukton, and Rijkswaterstaat. (Rijkswaterstaat is part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and responsible for the design, construction, management and maintenance of the main infrastructure facilities in the Netherlands).
The underpass should ensure a faster exit route for lorries coming from the Goods Distribution Centre (GDC) in Acht. It should also mean an improved connection between GDC and Brainport Industries. Finally, it should reduce traffic congestion near Batadorp junction and the Antony Fokkerweg.
Besides going up and down in the new tunnel, vistors could also see a photo exhibition on the bulding project. The construction firm treated them to fries or icecream. On Monday Mark Harbers, minister for Infrastructure, will open the tunnel officually, and on Tuesday regular traffic can use it.
Source: Studio040
Translated by Greta