Homeless migrant workers may end up in criminal hands

Photo credit: Studio040

There are concerns in Eindhoven about the number of homeless migrant workers ending up in the criminal circuit. This is the opinion of Thijs Eradus of the homeless shelter Springplank040.

“It is a vulnerable target group that, is growing,” says Eradus. “We also have seen that Eindhoven homeless people ended up in crime more easily than other groups, but the migrant group is even more susceptible to that.”

That’s because migrant workers, often from Eastern Europe, have fewer rights in the Netherlands. “They can use walk-in facilities,” says Eradus. “But they are not allowed to use night shelters. In addition, Eindhoven homeless people receive benefits, this group cannot claim those either. As a result, they do have to find another way to get money.”

Strong suspicions

Eradus does not have hard evidence that the homeless are targeted by criminal organisations. “But the feeling that they are is prevalent among our staff on the street, while we also hear from other social institutions that they have the same strong suspicions.”

Council Questions

The CDA is also concerned about the group of homeless migrant workers and is therefore asking questions to the council. The group sees that the migrant workers are causing a nuisance, and thinks that the municipality – despite the fact that the group is not entitled to shelter – should still arrange shelter. More should also be done to allow the target group to return to their country of origin.

In addition, the CDA wants to know what the municipality can do about homeless people who end up in the criminal circuit.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Chaitali Sengupta. She also gives online INBURGERING classes.


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