Collection campaign Lionsclubs big success

Collection success for Lionsclubs
Photo credit: Lions Club/Studio040

Leo Club 040 and Lions Clubs from the Eindhoven region collected about 100 crates of food and 2,500 euros for the Voedselbank (Foodbank) last weekend.

The food banks are having a hard time because of the corona crisis. The clubs, which normally operate independently, have therefore joined forces for the weekend. And with success: “It worked. Beyond expectation. It’s great to see how involved everyone is, and how everyone cares about the Food Bank. Thanks to all the generous donors of both food and money, this action has been a complete success”, says the Lionsclubs.

“Collaborations on this scale between Leo’s and Lions Clubs is unprecedented. It’s great to see the positive effects of this collaboration. Not only was it fun to work together, it also proved that many hands make work lighter. Such a set-up is certainly worth repeating.”


Translation: Chaitali Sengupta, who gives ONLINE Inburgering classes.

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