Young researchers with children, at the Wiskunde en Informatica (Mathematics and Computer Science) faculty of Eindhoven University of Technology, can receive a grant to pay for baby-sitting, if they have to travel from home to attend an important congress in their area of expertise. More information can be found on the university website.
The measure is known as the ‘Nanny Fund’, and is intended to ensure that scientists with children can keep their career on track while they are starting a family.
The compensation is available for both men and women. They can use it to allow a member of the family, a friend or a nanny to travel with them as a babysitter, or use the money to arrange for child-care at home, if the children do not travel to the congress.
Bettina Speckman introduced the Nanny Fund during her inaugural speech.
Source: Studio040
Translation: Lizzie Kean (LinkedIn)