Tanzen auf dem Malerwanderweg
Parktheater Eindhoven Elzentlaan 50, EindhovenA fascinating combination of dance, visuals, and musical and cinematic experiences, fitting with the series of spectacular performances Jan Doms, inventor and creator of this production, has brought to theaters, museums and special venues worldwide. In addition to this extraordinary show, from October 8th-29th Dutch Design Week will sponsor a large exhibition in the foyer showing ‘the […]
Volunteering in the Eindhoven area
Holiday Inn Veldmaarschalk Montgomerylaan 1, Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, NetherlandsDuring this event, the Vrijwilligerspunt Eindhoven (Volunteer Center Eindhoven) will present important information about how internationals can volunteer in the Netherlands! There will also be organizations that are looking for volunteers. Plus, hear how it is to volunteer!
Professional Community event: ESI-Tilburg University
Tu/e De Zaale, Eindhoven, NetherlandsTilburg University invites you to be part of an international professional community in Eindhoven. In this event they are taking a step into the future of a Dual Career Network and officially kick-off the conscious development of the international professional community in Tilburg. Tilburg University is an attractor of a large pool of international talent in the […]
Halloween Midgetgolf
Paviljoen Op Noord Oude Bosschebaan 11, Eindhoven, Noord- Brabant, NetherlandsA scary night at pavilion Op Noord. They are organising a halloween themed night where very unexpected things can happen. The place will only be lit by the flashlights you bring so don't forget! And don't get scared when something lingers in the trees...
Even Worse
Parktheater Eindhoven Elzentlaan 50, EindhovenIn Even Worse choreographer Guilherme Miotto puts three of the most surprising dancers in the urban and contemporary dance field on a theatrical stage. Shane Boers, Simon Bus and Evangelos Biskas are three well-matched dancers from different backgrounds: from cutting edge breakdance, experimental hiphop to contemporary theater dance. In Even Worse we don't see them as dancers but as the […]
Watch With the Body: Art and Yoga
Van Abbe Museum Bilderdijklaan 10How do you look at art? What do you experience when you're fully present, mentally and physically, in the museum room? What is the difference between just entering a museum or stepping into the room when you've just meditated? We will explore this in this workshop, consisting of 2 parts. Together with Marieke Verberne (Yoga […]
The soul of Tina
Parktheater Eindhoven Elzentlaan 50, EindhovenHomage to five decades of musical history, sex appeal, temper, passion and a charismatic voice. Tina Turner, Grande Dame of the music industry, knew how to turn all of these features into a phenomenon. The Soul Of Tina is an ultimate tribute to her career spanning more than 50 years. With famous hits like Nutbush City Limits and Proud […]
Masterclass Rainbow Tai Chi
High Tech Campus High Tech Campus 1, Eindhoven, NetherlandsFor more energy, less stress, better health and happiness!
Happily ever after
Parktheater Eindhoven Elzentlaan 50, EindhovenThe most beautiful dying swan, a slow motion death scene, a prince who is kissed alive over and over again. Who doesn't dream of Happily Ever After? Choreographer Jasper van Luijk shows you what happens after all this happily ever after. Happily Ever After is a dance performance about death as a part of life, a […]
World of Dance
Effenaar Dommelstraat 2The largest urban dance competition is back in Eindhoven! This sunday the hottest dance groups from all over Europe will compete at the Effenaar for a place in the finals in Los Angeles.