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Anime film & short lecture
February 28, 2018 @ 19:30 - 22:00
Your Name broke records all over Asia in 2016. The latest film by Makoto Shinkai (5 Centimeters Per Second, Children Who Chase Lost Voices From Deep Below) was the most successful Japanese film ever in China and Thailand, and in Japan it was the second most successful film ever, after Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away.
After a meteor shower the lives of country girl Mitsuha and city boy Taki change dramatically. From that day on, they regularly wake up in each other’s bodies. Mitsuha dreams of the big city. ‘Please make me a handsome Tokyo boy in my next life!’ When her wish unexpectedly comes true, her boring and predictable life turns into an exciting, hilarious adventure.
Without having any control, Mitsuha and Taki switch bodies and lives. When they discover a way to send each other messages, they get to know each other better and better.
Tension mounts when a gigantic meteor appears in the sky. The two want to meet each other. Is their connection strong enough and will they survive?
On Wednesday 28 February this film will be accompanied by a short lecture and admittance will be free for students because of USE.