13.7 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Van Piere bookstore in Eindhoven is struggling with flooding

Van Piere bookstore struggling with flooding

Van Piere in the heart of Eindhoven has to move temporarily, because the bookstore has been struggling with flooding for some time. Jan Verhagen of...
Local politicians are making decisions about the new centre of Geldrop

New plans for Geldrop centre

The Geldrop-Mierlo municipal council has taken a number of decisions to strengthen the centre of Geldrop in the coming years. If it is up...
Best Zoo closed due to heavy rainfall

Best zoo closed due to flooding

Best Zoo in Best was forced to close to the public on Boxing Day. The zoo grounds were largely flooded due to heavy rainfall. There...

Woensel District Cemetery closing its doors due to flooding

The heavy rainfall in recent weeks has caused flooding at cemeteries in Eindhoven. The nuisance is especially great at the Woensel Community Cemetery, which is why...
Houses on Bogardeind in Geldrop are being demolished

Houses in Geldop to be demolished: No one wants to leave

A row of houses on Bogardeind in the heart of Geldrop must be demolished to make road widening possible. Toon Zegers has lived in...
Man who started fire in thrift store in Veldhoven has been sentenced TBS

Man who set fire to Veldhoven thrift store gets IVC

A 46-year-old man from Veldhoven who started a fire at a thrift store in Veldhoven in July 2023 has been sentenced to Justicial Involuntary...
Pro Palestine demonstration in Eindhoven council chamber

Pro-Palestinian demonstration in Eindhoven council chamber

A small group of demonstrators briefly disrupted the council meeting in Eindhoven's City Hall on Tuesday evening. A group of about ten activists displayed...
Natlab appoints new directeur due to big challenges

Natlab appoints new director due to ‘major challenges’

Plaza Futura, the foundation that operates Natlab film house, has appointed Jan van der Putten as its new director. The film house is said...
Road works, road closed

Repaired sinkholes in the city

Employees of specialised companies have started repairing holes in various Eindhoven roads. For example, sinkholes on Hendrik Staetslaan, Joris Minnestraat, Kalverstraat and Fakkellaan had to...
Division over reception of asylum seekers in Son en Breugel and Waalre

Different opinions over reception of asylum seekers

The reception of asylum seekers in Son en Breugel and Waalre evokes mixed reactions from residents in the villages. In Waalre, about 150 refugees...