10 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Fifty heroes honoured in Park Theater

Fifty heroes from Eindhoven honored in Park Theater

300 heroes from six different cities in Brabant are highlighted in the Heroic Chain project. Joshua van Iersel has the honor of honoring the...

Fitness during lunch break as gyms close early

Many gym-goers are exercising during the lunch break instead of in the evening after work. With the early closure at 17:00, this seems to...
Jorritsma looks back on New Year's Eve with 'mixed feeling'

Jorritsma looks back on New Year’s Eve with ‘mixed feelings’

We are already three weeks into the New Year. But the municipality of Eindhoven has come up with an overview of the incidents on...
Stationsplein 2026 overhaul

Stationsplein as of 2026: trees, a river and an enormous bicycle shelter

Eindhoven Stationsplein - the grey still life that has hardly changed in decades - will undergo a drastic metamorphosis starting in 2026. Trees, benches...
financial aid, small businesses, self-employed

Socialist Party Eindhoven starts a hotline for issues with the Participation Act

The SP (Socialistische Partij) Eindhoven has started a Contact Centre for reports of abuse of the Participation Act. The group wants to track issues...
Art exhibition by disabled

Mentally disabled people show their art: ‘This gives an extra boost’

The artists' collective Kunst & Co (art & co) consists of people with a mental handicap. They paint canvases and make works of art....

‘Traffic measures prevent inconvenience to Eeneind-West’

On Monday, the Geldrop-Mierlo municipal council unanimously adopted a motion on the situation regarding the proposed Eeneind-West industrial estate in Nuenen. The dossier has been...
People on holiday again

On land, at sea and in the air: Eindhoven celebrates May holiday

Eindhoven citizens are going on holiday again. After two years of corona measures, the bustle at Eindhoven Airport is back to normal. Eindhoven Airport The people...
Liberation Day speech

Founder of the East Indies Memorial holds a speech on Liberation Day

Founder of the Indonesian Moluccan Memorial in Eindhoven, Roy Meelhuysen, will give a speech in Amsterdam on Liberation Day about the liberation of Indonesia...

Waalre wants 30 temporary houses on old Boerenbond site

Waalre is exploring, together with housing corporation Thuis (At home), whether a site on Willibrorduslaan, where the Boerenbond used to be located, can be...

Summa students style Indian models for Tamil New Year celebration

Summa International Fashion collaborated with an Indian Tamil organisation, Stichting EYAL, for a fashion show for the Tamil New Year at Theatre De Schalm....

What changes in 2024?
