17.1 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Eindhoven Airport will ban private flights from 2026

No alternative landing site yet for private flights

Eindhoven Airport will ban private flights from 2026, but there is no alternative landing site yet. The province announced this in a response to...

Bus timetable will not be in order until 2025

The province of North Brabant expects that it will take more than a year before the Hermes timetable in the region is back in...

City winter shelters for homeless almost full

There are currently sufficient shelters for homeless people in Eindhoven who are looking for a warm place to sleep during the winter cold. Nonetheless, according...
son en breugel

Municipality of Son en Breugel and Parish to open parsonage garden

The municipality of Son en Breugel and the Parish of Heilige Oda signed an agreement of intent on Wednesday. Both parties want to involve Park...
Expansion HTC takes shapes with Lucis One

Expansion of High Tech Campus takes shape with ‘Lucis’

The expansion of the Eindhoven High Tech Campus (HTC) is taking shape. This is now happening on the south side of the smartest square...
Big hole in road surface Tongelre district

Large hole in Tongelre road surface

A pile of bricks, an open road surface and a closed off street. That is the situation at 't Hofke in Tongelre district. Here,...

Huge explosion in bicycle tunnel, ‘spectator’ acquitted

The police and the judiciary still have no idea who is responsible for the two enormous fireworks explosions in a bicycle tunnel in Veldhoven...
Plan to build houses along New HOV4 line

Housing development along new HOV4 line

The municipalities of Eindhoven and Veldhoven want to build together between 3,500 and 6,000 new homes. The houses will come up along the HOV4...

Three Fontys Eindhoven buildings ready for use

The three new Fontys buildings at the Rachelsmolen in Eindhoven are ready. The work at the college lasted more than two years. Students and teachers moved...
GLOW busiest editon ever

GLOW: ‘Busiest edition ever’

There were sometimes traffic jams again last week on the GLOW route. The organisation of the light art festival even speaks of 'the busiest...