21.1 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Sunday, September 8, 2024

The man behind ‘Eindhoven Vibes’

After 12 years, Peter Kentie will resign as of June 1 as director of Eindhoven365, the city marketing organisation that puts colour to his...
Demer facades_free use granted by Harrie van Helmond, architect_DO NOT REUSE

Exploring Eindhoven Region – The City Centre

If ever it makes sense to explore the city centre it is now, in our troublesome times. What usually is a hotbed of commerce,...

Wild medicine in your backyard

This past year has taken its toll on all of us in a variety of ways. While we humans were locked down and responding...

The Dutch and the tulips

The Netherlands and the tulips are almost metonyms. No tourist goes back without one of those tulip souvenirs. It’s simply a must-do! And with...

Free tickets to the Chineke orchestra premiering at the MuziekGebouw

The exclamation mark behind its name is there for a reason: Chineke! Orchestra's motto is "change and diversity in classical music". Orchestra’s members are all...
Fotografie: Lars van den Brink Sharon Unsworth

Language delay in bilingual children

Sharon Unsworth and Aniek Ebbinge explain how to detect language delays in your bilingual child. How do you know if your bilingual child has a...

Benjamin Bok -A Brilliant brain from Veldhoven

When you ask Benjamin Bok a question, first there is a silence of five to ten seconds. Then, a detailed answer, sometimes even more...

Top Dutch gifts to take to your home country

Summer is always a lot of hustle and bustle. Vacation plans, shopping, packing, picnicking and of course, the BBQs. People are all set for...

Exploring Eindhoven Region – The Dommel Valley

Like everyone else who moves to Eindhoven, my wife and I soon discovered the city's marvellous green lung, the Dommel river. This watershed, with...

Waalre launched first ever quantum secured video connection

Waalre had a real first on Thursday afternoon: launching the first quantum-secured video connection. The live connection was between Mayor Marcel Oosterveer and Alderman...

Cyclists feel more unsafe due to crowds

The Eindhoven city council is taking measures to increase cyclists on the street and lessen drivers.  But there is a downside to this. On...