Vocational student Willem finishes 4th in world championship

Pic credit: World skill

At the world championship for vocational students in Lyon, Summa student Willem van de Ven finished fourth among the boulangers. “I honestly didn’t expect it myself,” he said.

World Skills

Summa student Willem van de Ven was team captain for the Netherlands at the World Skills.
The bakery specialist in training is proud of his achievement and impressed by what he experienced in Lyon the past few days. “Really so bizarre. It’s so cool to be here.”

To become fourth in the world, Willem had to pass a number of tough tests. For example, he had to bake 14 different products, make a showpiece and do a time trial. “To end in fourth place, with really minimal difference from third place,” he says proudly.

‘The World Skills’ as the event is called is somewhat reminiscent of the Olympics. In total, more than 70 countries competed in the event. For Willem, the closing ceremony, in the city’s big soccer stadium, is one of the best memories of this adventure. “It was impressive: the light show, the award ceremony and the number of countries that were here tonight,” said the proud Dutch team captain.

French president

The World Cup for vocational students started on 10 September. The opening ceremony was attended by no less than French President Emmanuel Macron. The closing ceremony took place on Sunday evening, 15 September.

Studio040 sought out Willem last summer when, while his classmates were celebrating vacations, he was training hard for the World Skills.

Source: Studio040.nl

Transalted by: Anitha Sevugan

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