A pink carpet throughout the inner city, hundreds of pink balloons and pink shop windows. It is Pink Saturday (and Pink ‘Sunday’ tomorrow) and visitors will not be able to avoid it. During these days, the gay scene is literally ‘in the centre’ on various squares in the inner city.
According to Tom van den Nieuwenhuijzen, board member of Pink Saturday, this should be a celebration for all of Eindhoven. "There are still many prejudices about the gay scene and the parties they throw. Many people still have the sterotypical image that gays and lesbians are only interested in sex and very promiscuous. This is sheer nonsense. It is only true for a small number of them, but the majority lead perfectly ordinary lives."
This morning was kicked off with a ecumenical service and the theme was mainly: acceptance of and tolerance for homosexuals and transgenders.
This afternoon there was a pink parade, with trucks, groups, motor cycles and musicians. Dozens of organizations participated, such as: COC Eindhoven, ASML, Motor Club Pink, police, firefighters, Expreszo and Amnesty International.
In the afternoon and evening there will be celebrations, discussions and information markets in several places. A lot of visitors are expected near the Catharinaplein, the Market and the Stratumsedijk. There have been no inncidents so far.
The theme of this Pink Saturday is: ‘Diversity brightens your life’ and more information about the programme can be found on http://rozezaterdageindhoven.nl.
Source: Studio040 and ed.nl