Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has the strongest collaboration with industry of all universities worldwide. This is shown by the CWTS Leiden Ranking, which is published today.
Fifteen percent of all scientific publications are the result of collaboration with industry, and TU/e has led the list each year since it was first published in 2009.
Of the 5700 publications produced by TU/e between 2009 and 2012, 15 percent have one or more authors from industry. This is slightly less than last year (15.6 percent), but still high enough to stay at the top of the CWTS Leiden Ranking.
Overall, the Netherlands scores highly in terms of collaboration with industry. As well as TU/e, Delft University of Technology (4), Wageningen University (31) and the University of Twente (43) are also in the top 50.
TU/e President Jan Mengelers is delighted with this result: "We’re very happy to once again be ranked as number 1 by CWTS. This result underlines the intensive and stable collaboration between TU/e and industry around the world, as well as the close links with the Brainport Eindhoven region. It shows once again that TU/e is the place ‘where innovation starts’, with the right balance between science for society and science for industry."
The CWTS Leiden Ranking, published by the Centre for Science and Technology Studies, measures the scientific performance of 750 universities worldwide on a number of indicators, in terms of both the impact of publications and the extent of the collaboration with other universities and industry. In the ranking on publications in the highest category of scientific journals, TU/e the 94th place, the same as last year. year.
The ranking can be seen at: http://www.leidenranking.com/ranking/2014. Select Collaboration in ‘Type of indicators’, and select PP(UI collab) in the menu below for the ranking on collaboration with industry.
Source: http://www.tue.nl