Nuenen concerned about finances

Photo credit: Studio040/Pixabay

Similar to other municipalities in the region, Nuenen is concerned about its financial situation due to national budget cuts. The municipal government anticipates that measures will soon be necessary.


The new coalition parties in The Hague plan to cut more than two billion euros from 2026 onwards. Best and Waalre have already announced that they will face financial difficulties due to this measure. The substantial expenditure on healthcare also contributes to these challenges. For instance, Best will be short by one to one and a half million euros in the coming years, while Waalre currently faces a shortfall of half a million euros.


The municipality of Nuenen anticipates needing to pause its activities. It is still unclear how Nuenen plans to reduce expenditures or increase municipal funds. The mayor and aldermen are highlighting the financial uncertainties that municipalities are currently facing. They are also requesting that the province and partnerships hold off on new, costly ambitions.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha

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