KNSB gets 50,000 from Eindhoven municipality

picture credit: Studio040

The municipality of Eindhoven has given 50,000 euros to the Royal Dutch Chess Federation (KNSB). The money is intended for the organisation of the Youth Olympiad Chess. That international chess tournament, involving 240 athletes from all over the world, will take place next month on the High Tech Campus.

According to the city council, there are several reasons to support the tournament financially . On the one hand, it is expected to have a positive impact on Eindhoven’s economy. After all, sixty teams will come and stay in the city. In addition, the High Tech Campus will be rented as a tournament location.

Also, the chess tournament for young people under 16 is to contribute to a ‘broad and diverse range of events’. Moreover, the organisation is taking steps to make chess more accessible to girls and women. For instance, a tournament will be held in which the eight best women under 21 will compete against two Dutch chess players.

Fifty thousand

All in all, reason enough for the city council to provide fifty thousand euros to the KNSB. That amount comes from a budget called ‘Uitvoeringsbudget Programma Sport’.

With that money and support from the chess association and the province, among others, the Youth Chess Olympiad will be organised. The tournament will take place from 11 to 20 August.


Translated by: Anitha Sevugan

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