VDL permanently takes over Van Hool

Picture credit: VDL Group/Studio040

The Eindhoven-based VDL has taken over several business units from the bankrupt bus maker van Hool. With the takeover, approximately 1,600 van Hool employees will keep their jobs.

“We are pleased to announce that we have been able to acquire parts of Van Hool,” says VDL director Willem van der Leegte. “These parts offer added value to our bus and coach business units. Undoubtedly, we will strengthen our position as a bus manufacturer”.

VDL will take over the van Hool factory in North Macedonia. It employs around 1350 people, who will remain employed after the takeover. VDL also takes over all intellectual properties, design rights, software, product names, tools and machines from Van Hool.

In Belgium, parts are also taken over in parts production, after-sales, purchasing, development and finance, confirmed VDL. These parts involve approximately 250 jobs. VDL has reached an agreement with the unions about the employment conditions.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha




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