Coalition cabinet agreement reached


The four coalition parties, PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB, have reached an agreement for forming the government. PVV, the largest party, gets five ministers, while VVD and NSC get four ministerial berths each. The Farmers Party, BBB, gets two ministries.

Who gets what?

The PVV will have portfolios of migration, public health, economic affairs, infrastructure and foreign trade and development cooperation. In addition to finance, the VVD also supplies the ministers of justice, defence and climate. NSC has won home affairs, foreign affairs, social affairs and education. Whereas, BBB gets agriculture and housing. Each party also provides a Deputy Prime Minister in the cabinet that Dick Schoof will lead. Sophie Hermans (VVD) would become Minister of Climate and also a Deputy Prime Minister. NSC MP Eddy van Hijum will reportedly become Minister of Social Affairs and will hold the rank of Deputy Prime Minister. Mona keijzer disclosed to Trouw that she will be in the cabinet.

The cabinet is expected to have about 30 ministers, and half of that to be non-politicians. The cabinet formation will be officially announced tomorrow.

For Eindhoven News: Beena Arunraj

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