Eindhoven: 550 asylum seekers

Eindhoven: 550 asylum seekers near Tongelreep and at the Unitas football club
Gemeente Eindhoven

The municipality of Eindhoven is making room for 550 asylum seekers and status holders. Locations will be opened for this purpose on Antoon Coolenlaan and Eindhovenseweg.

There is a huge shortage of reception places for asylum seekers nationally.  In March, the council decided to accommodate 1,200 asylum seekers in the municipality. The two new reception locations are a big step towards realizing that ambition.

A temporary reception location will be built on Antoon Coolenlaan where the GGD injection location used to be. The redevelopment plan for the site will be carried out in an adapted form, which will provide space for accommodating 250 asylum seekers for at least five years.

Maximum 10 years

In addition, there will be 300 places at Eindhovenseweg 50. At present, there is only a former farmhouse on the site. Because there are no other development plans at the location, the municipality of Eindhoven plans to install temporary homes that can be stacked two high. These homes could remain on the site for a maximum of 10 years.

The location on Eindhovenseweg is expected to open its doors at the end of the year. The location on Antoon Coolenlaan should be available in the first half of 2025. The costs of housing are borne by COA.

Source: Studio040

Translate :Aysenur Kuran 

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