Public transport strike

Photo credit: Studio 040

Bus and train transport in the Eindhoven region will be affected in the early hours of Wednesday due to a strike. Travellers have to choose another form of transport before eight o’clock in the morning or to leave home later.

Other workers will also participate in the strike besides the public transport workers on Wednesday. “Ninety percent of the professional groups that fall under the heavy occupations will strike”, says Marijn van der Gaag, director at FNV Streekvervoer. They strike for the so-called ‘heavy work scheme’. This arrangement makes it possible to stop working three years earlier if you have a heavy job.


In a statement, the Association of Employers Public Transport (VWOV) explains that they are in favor of the scheme. “The regulation in the current collective bargaining agreement offers public public employees the opportunity to stop working earlier. That need will continue in the coming years. The number of older employees in the public vic sector is high”, according to the association.

Tuesday morning there were already strikes in Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam. There were still some start-up problems, so not everything ran on time. Around eleven o’clock in the morning, the problems were resolved and public transport was on schedule.


In Eindhoven, bus 400 does run to and from Eindhoven Airport. Due to the strike, this bus has different departure and arrival times.

For Eindhoven News: Beena Arunraj

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