Donation campaign for affected family after house fire in Strijp

Waalre villa on fire

A donation campaign has been started for the mother and four children who were victims of a house fire on Sprenger van Eyklaan in Eindhoven last Thursday. The fire caused a lot of damage to the house. More than €3,000 have now been raised. “It is hard enough for her as a single mother”.

The fire caused a lot of damage, especially on the top floor. The rooms downstairs were flooded due to the extensive extinguishing work. The crowdfunding should help the occupier and her children.

The five residents were not injured. They were not at home when the fire spread. However, the 31-year-old woman and her children were shocked when she received a phone call from the neighbour and heard what had happened. When she got home, the damage had already been done and the firefighters had the fire under control. Six homes were evacuated and a dog was rescued from the burning house. “I still have to recover from the shock”, she told Studio040.

Donation campaign

The sister of resident Kaylee Schuurman set up the crowdfunding campaign. “I would like to raise money for my sister so that she can buy new things for her children and herself because she cannot just cough up for this as a single mother. She has it hard enough already. I want to give her some encouragement”. Kaylee is trying to raise €5,000 with the crowdfunding. The counter is now at €3,175.

The family had not insured the contents. As a result, the woman has to pay for the damage herself. Friends, family and neighbours are also helping the family by donating items and showing support. The family is currently staying with friends. They will definitely not be able to return to their old house in the coming months. The affected family is looking for temporary accommodation of their own.


The investigation into the cause of the fire is still ongoing, a police spokesperson reports. Arson is still suspected.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob


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