SP concerned over 1,000 homes ‘too close to road’

GGD Eindhoven says that the 963 homes planned to be built in Eindhoven are too close to a busy road. Air quality would therefore be insufficient. The SP has asked the council questions regarding this.

SP Eindhoven is asking questions in response to research by research platform Investico in cooperation with the research editors of the DPG newspaper, which includes the ED.

According to the GGD, new houses should be at least 150 metres away from motorways and highways, 50 metres from a busy road outside built-up areas and 25 metres from a busy road inside built-up areas.

Six projects

In Eindhoven, there would be six building projects on the list that do not meet these advisory distances. For instance, 250 houses are planned at 124 to 140 metres from the A50, instead of the desired 150 metres.

Residential tower Niko at Strijp-S with 333 flats and Nieuw Bergen with 239 residential units, are 19 and 24 metres from busy roads in built-up areas, respectively, instead of the advised 25 metres.

Mitigating circumstances

According to the opposition party SP, the study does not consider the local circumstances. For instance, the mitigating circumstance of Niko residential tower could include the fact that there will be no housing on the lower floors, and the tower will also be 109 metres high. Also, the A50 noise barrier would have a braking effect on air pollution.

Additional requirements

The SP wants to know to what extent the municipality has policies regarding new construction plans and the GGD’s advisory guidelines. The socialists also want information on additional requirements on air filtration for homes built within the advisory distance from roads.

Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven news: Chaitali Sengupta.

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