Ryanair passengers fly without luggage from Eindhoven Airport

Hundreds of passengers at Eindhoven Airport are missing luggage due to staff shortages

At Eindhoven Airport, hundreds of holidaymakers who flew with Ryanair left for their holiday destination without their luggage on Sunday. This was due to the problems with the new handler ‘Skytanking’.

The company reportedly had too few staff, meaning that luggage could not be loaded and unloaded from the planes on time, Omroep Brabant reported.

“Ryanair decided on Sunday morning to take only passengers to their destination, in order not to jeopardise the flight schedule any further,” says Eindhoven Airport spokesman Gijs Vrenken. “The luggage of six of the eleven flights will be delivered today. The luggage of the remaining five flights will be delivered after today.”

The airport kept travellers informed of the problems via their social media channels and at the counter based on the information from Ryanair. “Furthermore, the problems are a matter between the airline and the handler,” says Vrenken.


The luggage problems did not result in cancelled flights. “There were some delays, but they are not worth mentioning,” says Vrenken. Ryanair flights from Eindhoven Airport are now departing with luggage again.

Startup problems

Skytanking has been handling baggage for Ryanair at Eindhoven Airport since April of this year. This means that after many years, Viggo is no longer the only handler at the airport.

The German competitor, Skytanking, also had problems at Eindhoven Airport in the beginning. It would take a long time for luggage to be loaded on and off the planes or to end up on the belt.

That was the case again on Sunday morning. The company is said to have received a warning from the Labour Inspectorate in May. It is not clear how big the staff shortage is at the handler. Ryanair and Skytanking were not yet able to respond to questions.

Source: www.studio040.nl
Translated by Yawar Abbas

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