50PLUS concerned how Eindhoven growth affects elderly

Verbeek is the second man on the left. Image source: 50PLUS/Studio040

After the summer Ruud van Acquoij will not be the only 50PLUS representative in the Eindhoven city council. Former Ouderen Appèl councillor Cor Verbeek will join him. He made the transfer as he thinks a national party will be a better platform for himand he will be in a better position to serve the interests of the city’s elderly population.

Verbeek and his new partner Ruud van Acquoij think this is sorely needed. “We are very concerned about the unbridled growth of Eindhoven and especially how the elderly will still find it a pleasant place to live. The city governance does not seem to see the importance”,  Van Acquoij states.


To this end, 50PLUS has drawn up a pamphlet calling on the city governors not to lose sight of the elderly in the two years ahead. “The various decisions taken focus on young people, although there are also 83,000 elderly people living in Eindhoven”, the party chairperson says.

Senior housing

The two councillors say a good look needs to be taken at what they term ‘unbridled growth’. The cityneeds to remain accessible for the elderly.  One of the part’s spearheads for the future is the availability of more housing for senior citizens. “Look at what’s being built right now; mostly houses for students or starters. Not for elderly citizens. People getting on in years who may want to move to a smaller house, put cannot find a suitable replacement”, says Verbeek.

Conservation of  Brabants culture

Another point of criticism is the growing group of expats in the city and their level of integration. “In various neighbourhoods we see increasing numbers of expats which makes for greater diversity but also changes the dynamics. There should be a balance between the conservation of the local culture and the integration of new citizens, Acquoij says. Verbeek adds “Take for example senior citzens who want to go shopping in the city and who do not speak English. Yet in one shop after another staff address them in English. I have serious concerns about that”.

The voice of the senior citizens of Eindhoven is underrepresented in the counil hall, says 50PLUS. “I see a city council composed of young people and this composition is reflected in the plans being adopted. I sometimes feel it is the desire to score among young councillors and wonder whether this is the way forward for the city.”

Source: Studio040

Translated and edited by Greta


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