New King of Saint Anne’s Guild, Nederwetten

Harrie Migchels
Harrie Migchels

Harrie Migchels is the new king of the Sint-Anna Gilde in Nederwetten. This 87-year-old had to shoot down the wooden bird to covet this honourary title.

Migchels has been a guild member for almost seventy years. This is his maiden Guild title. He was successful after 78 attempts at the target.

There was also shooting for the title of ‘Village King’. This was won by Willem van Rooij. He was the lucky one after 44 shots. The winners then received a flag salute by the flag bearers of the guild. Migchels received the decorations of the king. He may wear this title for the next two years.

The Saint Anna Guild is over four centuries old. There are even two king’s shields from the seventeenth century. The oldest shield dates from 1615. The king’s chain and bird were made by silversmith Keizers from Eindhoven and date from 1716. Around 1886, the guild became inactive, after which it was re-established in 1932. The Guild is affiliated with The Dutch Traditional Shooters Association KNTS.

For Eindhoven News: Beena Arunraj

Source: Sint Anne Guild and Studio 040.


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