Giant sinkhole discovered in Tongelre

Giant sinkhole discovered in Tongelre
Photo credit: OpenStreet Map contributors/Studio040

Another hole in the road surface was discovered in Eindhoven just before the start of the construction workers’ holiday. It concerns a crater of several square metres on Broekakkerseweg.

At first it appeared to be a modest sinkhole in the road surface. However, workers who arrived on site saw that there was a huge hole in the ground under the pavement. The crater is almost as wide as the street. There is a sewage company and an earthwork company present to solve the problem.

The work requires some urgency. According to workers, there is a chance that the hole will continue to get bigger if it is not closed. The sinkhole may have been caused by the nearby main sewer. This sewer must first be repaired before the hole can be filled and the road repaired.

The work also needs to be finished soon, because the holiday for construction workers starts on Saturday, which will make it a lot more difficult to carry out the work. The work is expected to take at least the rest of the day. Until then, Broekakkerseweg is closed.

Not the first time

It is not the first time that the city has been plagued by sinkholes. For example, holes were discovered on Fakkellaan, ‘t Hofke and Koning Arthurlaan.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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