Cameras should prevent further violence

The Eindhoven municipality has positioned cameras on the border between Kruisstraat and Woenselse Markt. This is done following the riots between people with a Turkish background and those with a Syrian background.

Tensions between Syrians – part of whom belong to the Kurdish community – and Turks ran high after Turkish football player Demiral made the grey wolves sign during a European Championship match. The gesture stands for Turkish nationalism and is offensive to Kurds and other Turkish minorities.  As a reaction, Syrians allegedly burnt a Turkish flag,  sources told Studio040.

Netherlands – Turkey

After the Netherlands – Turkey match things got out of hand. Furniture outside Turkish restaurant Mado was vandalised.  A few days later, a fireworks bomb exploded outside Syrian  restaurant Rama on Woenselse Markt. No one was injured, but there was damage to the roller shutter.


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