Speed cameras possible on 30 km roads

Speed camera on 30 km roads possible
Photo Credit: Studio040| Alain Heeren

Eindhoven is looking into the possibility of installing speed cameras along roads where 30 kilometres per hour is the speed limit. The municipality informs this following a trial in Amsterdam, where this is already happening. “We are following this trial with interest,” reports a spokesperson.

Eindhoven wants to reduce car traffic, especially within the ring road. The reasoning given is that a lower speed limit is also safer for cyclists and pedestrians. If it were up to the city council, the speed limit would be lowered to 30 kilometres per hour in more and more places.

A ‘speed camera test’ is held in Amsterdam to investigate whether motorists stick to the lower speed limit. This is the first speed check in the Netherlands on a 30-kilometre road. Eindhoven says it is ‘following that pilot with interest’.


Whether Eindhoven will follow this Amsterdam example remains to be seen. For that, the municipality will first wait for the results of the pilot. There will be an evaluation in a few months. Eindhoven expects that this evaluation will produce a recommendation on the use of speed cameras on 30-kilometre roads. If the pilot is successful, Eindhoven will consider whether this measure can be rolled out locally.

Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Chaitali Sengupta

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  1. Is slowing traffic is the solution of jamming? personally I think that traffic issues happening because of not having proper green wave system so all drivers has to stop and drive again every a few hundred meter on the ring which causes also more pollution. slowing down the cars will result with same consequence with more pollution since cars fuel consumption per km will be higher.


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