First stumbling stone for Holocaust survivors in Eindhoven

First stumbling block for Holocaust survivor in Eindhoven
Stichting 18 September

For the first time, a stumbling stone or Stolpersteine has been placed in the city for a Holocaust survivor. Enny Frank was deported on June 3, 1944, but survived the horrors of Camp Vught, Auschwitz, and the death march.

The stumbling stone in her memory was placed on Hugo Verrieststraat on Monday and initiated by Ralph Nussbaum, as a tribute to his nanny. Her stone was placed next to her father Eduard and sister Tine. They did not survive the Holocaust.

Eduard, who was hearing-impaired and worked for Philips, was deported to Camp Vught at the same time as his family. He was murdered in Kommando Langenbielau a few months before the end of the war. His daughter Tine could not live to tell the story either. She died in Hamburg more than a week before the capitulation of Nazi Germany.

“Tiny and Enny kept dragging their mother through it. Tiny died in Hamburg one day before our last transport, which brought us liberation. They crushed her chest in her wagon,” said an eyewitness. Mother Adele and daughter Enny were the only ones in the family to survive the war.

Back from hell

Though there are 274 stumbling stones in Eindhoven,  this is the first in the city for a Holocaust survivor. “With this Stolperstein, we not only commemorate the victims, but we also celebrate the strength and courage of the survivors. We continue to keep the memories alive to ensure that history never repeats itself,” says the 18 September Foundation.

Source: Studio040

Translate: Ayşenur Kuran

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