ASML voted as the most attractive employer

ASML in Veldhoven
Photo credit: ASML/Studio040

ASML has been voted ‘Most attractive employer’ in the Netherlands. The annual survey by Randstad Employer Brand Research revealed the research results of its survey. More than 12,570 working Dutch people aged 18 to 67 were asked about the 150 largest employers in the Netherlands.

The high-tech sector is the most attractive private sector for the fourth year in a row. For the first time, scientific education is a favourite in the public sector.  The healthcare sector follows closely. Striking: a large majority of the most attractive employers are in the south of our country.

“The research shows, among other things, what employees find important in their employer,” says Oscar van Mourik of Randstad Netherlands. “Employees not only strive for an appropriate salary but also value a positive working environment, a balanced work-life balance and meaningful work content.”

In addition, according to Van Mourik, the emphasis on job security is a striking trend. “In the current labour market, employers can distinguish themselves further by offering employees long-term stability and security.”

Interesting work

ASML scores above average on financial health, an attractive employment conditions package and career opportunities. The company is also top in terms of pleasant working environment, interesting work and good reputation.

Michiel Evers, Head of Talent Acquisition Europe at ASML: “The fact that we are seen as the most attractive employer among companies is a recognition for our employees, who enthusiastically challenge the status quo every day to come up with technological solutions.”


With developments in the chip industry, the demand for technically trained people will only continue to increase, Evers expects. He sees it as an encouragement that, according to Randstad, the technology sector is the most attractive industry to work in.

“We continue to work with ASML to make working in the technical sector even more attractive. By working together, with colleagues from different backgrounds and cultures, with different educations and talents, we can continue to challenge each other.”

Top 5


2. Damen Shipyard

3. Efteling

4. KLM

5. Phillips

For Eindhoven News: Beena Arunraj

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