After three months, asylum seekers move from Waalre to Geldrop

After three months, asylum seekers move from Waalre to Geldrop
Photo credit: Gemeente Waalre/Studio040

The temporary reception location for asylum seekers in the Municipality of Waalre will close its doors on 1 July. The asylum seekers then move to Geldrop-Mierlo.

The asylum seekers had been on the municipality’s Boerenbond site since 8 April. That period passed satisfactorily, says Mayor of Waalre Marcel Oosterveer. “Once again Waalre has shown that it is hospitable. The involvement of the volunteers and association life in Waalre is overwhelming”.

Roughly the same shelter will be located in Geldrop-Mierlo, with the same group of refugees and largely the same staff.

“Geldrop Mierlo tries to maintain as much as possible what has been built up in Waalre. In this way, residents retain their familiar group, facilities and daily schedule as much as possible. It is very nice that this has been possible thanks to the Municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo and that we can offer these people some stability in these uncertain times”,  Oosterveer says.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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