Politicians agree to construction plans for Eikenburg estate

Eindhoven politicians agree to construction plans for Eikenburg estate
Photo credit: Studio040

The Eindhoven city council approved the construction plans on Eikenburg estate on Tuesday evening. A proposal by the VVD (people’s party for freedom and democracy) to thwart the construction of a new road did not receive a majority.

Trudo has permission to build a road, parking lot and build new homes. The housing association wants to build more homes and build a road on Eikenburg estate in Stratum. The residents of Eikenburg were previously not at all pleased with the plans. They fear a lot of extra nuisance and not enough rest.

According to the VVD, the bottleneck in the plans is mainly the construction of a new road. That is why the party is proposing to delete it. “We want to make a road straight through the area impossible”, councillor Daniëlle Stijntjes, (VVD), says. She received support from the SP (socialist party): “Take the participation of residents seriously and adopt this proposal”, councillor Jannie Visser called on.

According to counclllor Geert Geerts (CDA, christian democrats), the submitter of the proposal took the place of the housing association and, according to him, this is not desirable: “We are not planners. We give the advantage to Trudo”.

Believe in plans

The process started in 2010 with the preparation of a master plan, which, according to responsible councillor Mieke Verhees, had been carefully considered. “The council and Trudo strongly believe in the plans as they are. We are returning the estate to its original state. Residents and visitors can enjoy it”, Verhees says. “Changing the zoning plan would mean that it would be delayed again”.

The plan to thwart the road received support from Volt, 50PLUS, FvD (forum for democracy), PvdD (party for the animals), SP (socialist party) and Ouderen Appèl-Hart voor Eindhoven (eldery appeal heart for Eindhoven). However, that was not enough to put the council proposal back on the drawing board. The municipal council approved the construction plans with a large majority (28 for 12 against).

Trudo previously announced that abandoning construction is not an option. Vulnerable residents could be helped by professionals to manage the change.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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