Police investigating the connection between fireworks attacks

Police are investigating the connection between fireworks attacks in Eindhoven
Photo credit: Politie/Studio040

The police are investigating whether the two firebomb attacks in Eindhoven in March are related and are looking for a young perpetrator. Omroep Brabant had already discovered in March that there was a connection between these explosions. It involved a house and a restaurant. No one was injured.

On the night of March 2 to 3, heavy fireworks exploded in the front garden of a villa on Elzentlaan in Eindhoven. A few days later, on 5 March, a bang caused a window of a grill restaurant on Kerkstraat to be shattered. Research by Omroep Brabant showed that there was a connection between these two explosions. The resident of the villa on Elzentlaan rents the restaurant building on Kerkstraat to the restaurant entrepreneur.

In both cases, the perpetrators used a flammable liquid and heavy, illegal fireworks, it was announced on Tuesday evening in the TV program Opsporing Verzocht (investigation requested). In both attacks, one of the perpetrators also made recordings with his phone, possibly to show a client that the job had been completed. The investigation program showed how on the night of March 2 to 3, two young men set off an explosive at the villa on Elzentlaan.


One of the two suspects also came into view two days later on Kerkstraat in Eindhoven. He was filmed while he walked towards the building and when he later ran away through Paradijslaan. In the meantime, he had set off a firework bomb at the grill restaurant. The facade of the building was severely damaged. The fire that started was quickly extinguished. Seventeen people were sleeping in the apartments above the restaurant and were unharmed.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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