Noise reduction plans of Eindhoven Airport

By 2030, Eindhoven International Airport (EIA) must have reduced noise pollution by 30 percent compared to 2019, but these regulations must still be legally ratified in the airport’s decision. Interim goals must also be recorded.

However, the airport’s decision is delayed, which means that the airport’s interim performance in noise reduction cannot be properly monitored. This resulted in GroenLinks, supported by the D66, Volt, PvdD, PvdA, and the SP, asking council questions about the state of affairs.

Before that airport’s decision can be drawn up, the results of an Environmental Impact Report (MER) must be known. The study should provide clarity about the effects of the airport in terms of air quality, nature and health, and therefore in terms of noise pollution.


But the EIA is taking a long time, and according to the factions asking the question, it even appears that a ‘delay technique’ is being used. The Eindhoven Airport Consultation (LEO), which includes the municipality of Eindhoven, is also dissatisfied with the state of affairs. The Ministry of Defense expects the EIA to be ready in the second quarter of 2024 or a little later.

The Eindhoven municipality has expressed its concerns and dissatisfaction to the ministry in the LEO and has also insisted on a quick handling of the investigation. It is not expected that the EIA will be completed quickly.


The airport will be used more often by Eindhoven Air Base for military purposes, which will also cause an increase in nitrogen emissions. The effects of this will also have to be investigated, something that was not initially taken into account.

For Eindhoven News: Beena Arunraj
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