Eindhoven launches digital housing map

Eindhoven launches digital housing map
Photo Credit: Studio040

The municipality of Eindhoven has launched a digital housing map. This allows residents to see exactly how the city’s housing projects are doing.

Eindhoven is growing fast, but housing construction is lagging. Up to 2040, 40,000 new homes are needed and more than half of them should be ready before 2030. ‘In Eindhoven, we continue to build and this map shows that very transparently. That’s important because the housing task is enormous,’ says councilor Mieke Verhees (housing). ‘With this tool, we give everyone an up-to-date insight into all housing projects.’

State of affairs

On a digital map of the city, residents can see the status of all housing projects in the city. For each project, the developer is listed. It also shows how many houses are being built, what kind of houses are involved, whether they are rental or owner-occupied, and in what price range they fall.

An additional dashboard shows all planned projects, including those not yet on the interactive map. These are potential projects about which little concrete information yet exists.


The building task in the city is big and conditions are difficult. Eindhoven has failed to meet its building ambitions for two years in a row. That is why the municipality, with the ‘Eindhoven Bouwt Door’ programme, is pushing for cooperation with housing corporations, property developers, and companies such as ASML to allow projects to go ahead. Projects like TAC Living, the Victoria Tower, and District E have gained support as a result.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Chaitali Sengupta.

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