Eindhoven allows headscarf or yarmulke

Eindhoven BOA’s (Buitengewoon Opsporingsambtenaren: special investigating officers) are allowed to wear religious expressions, such as a headscarf or yarmulke, with their uniform.

The city council decided this after an evaluation of the dress code policy. The municipality is going against the national wish to ban this type of expression in uniform.

It was already possible for Eindhoven Boa’s to wear religious symbols. However, this was not explicitly stated or communicated. The PvdA, GroenLinks and PvdD asked questions about this subject, and the municipality subsequently clarified its policy. on this matter.

National ban

The discussion about religious expressions among Boa’s is a hot topic nationally. The outgoing cabinet, led by Minister Dilan Yeşilgöz (Justice and Security), is working on a ban. The city council in Eindhoven sees no reason to ban religious expressions, at least if they fit within the dress code that guarantees the safety of the Boa’s.


The council also believes that such statements do not harm authority, neutrality or safety. The policy aligns with the practice of other municipalities and countries, the municipality says. The city council also says allowing religious expressions at Boa’s is important for diversity.

According to the municipality, if a ban is imposed, certain groups may feel excluded from the profession. “In practice, it would mainly affect women who see wearing a headscarf as a religious obligation. Such a ban should therefore not be imposed easily, as it can lead to indirect discrimination,” the council said.

The municipality of Eindhoven is not aware of any signals of Boa’s who need to wear religious expressions during their work. That is why there has been no reason for the municipality to take a position so far.

Source: www.studio040.nl
Translated by Yawar Abbas

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