About 200 atheletes from almost 20 countries arrived in Eindhoven to showcase their beautiful gliding jumps, somersaults and twist jumps.
The diving cup will take place all day long until next Sunday in the Pieter van den Hoogenband Swimming Stadium. The entire tournament is organised by volunteers, which is precisely why Praasterink is so proud. “Everyone is working hard to make this a success, and it is.”
Lita van Weert (14) has been diving since she was five and won silver in her age category on the first day. Her dream is to go to the European Youth Championships, “and ultimately of course the Olympic Games.”
It remains to be seen whether the twenty-fifth edition can also take place in Eindhoven. The building is going to be renovated. “The swimming pool will remain open, but if we do not have facilities to arrange lunch and dinner, it will be very difficult to organise.” According to Praasterink.