Geldrop seed library calls for seeds

Poppy seed capsule Picture credit: Franca Oortwijn-Schattevoet

Geldrop seed library is looking forward to receiving new seeds of (organic) plants that have grown without pesticides and fertilisers. There is also a return box at IVN (Institute for Nature Education), in their information centre De Paardestal in the castle park. You do not need to be a member of the library for this seed service.

In March, Seed Library Geldrop started with the free ‘lending’ of seeds, supported by IVN and the municipality of Geldrop Mierlo.

By growing plants without artificial fertilisers and pesticides – not even organic ones! – bees and other (pollinating) insects have much better chances of life. This also benefits the soil and the entire cycle.


The seed library asks ‘borrowers’ to bring some of their harvested seeds to the seed library, to keep the seed library alive and growing.

Seeds can be delivered – properly dried – in paper bags. Write on the (old seed) bag or a (used) envelope at least the name of the plant, the flower colour and the harvest year of the seeds. Volunteers take care of cleaning and packaging of the loan.

Opening hours

The (seed) library is open from Monday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. IVN’s nature information centre De Paardestal is open on Sundays from 2 pm to 5 pm. The return box is there in the coach house.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Shanthi Ramani

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