Burglar targets Meerhoven

Electronics, for illustration
Electronics, for illustration. Photo credit: Pixabay

If you live in Meerhoven, beware. The police are warning of an intruder who’s been active in that area since mid-March.

The burglar/s sneak into houses through an unlocked door or window. They’ve broken into nine homes so far. In the past few days, houses in Zandrijk, Waterrijk, and Grasrijk have been robbed.

In most cases, the perpetrator entered the home using a burglary method called ‘loiding’. The burglar opens a door using a (bank) card. They push it between the door lock and frame and open the door. Thieves often do this to front doors that are closed but not locked.

In all nine break-ins, electronic equipment was looted. No one has yet been arrested. So, the police are urging people always to lock their doors and remove the key. They should also not leave windows open when they’re not around.

Source: Studio040

Translator: Melinda Walraven


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