Does your child love to sing, dance, and act? And are you looking for something for them to do in the upcoming holiday?
This could be perfect – Musical4Expats. It’s four days of performing arts, just for six to 12-year-olds. This project is put together, specifically for internationals.
This version of the Musical4daagse was developed by professional theatre teachers, Caroline Leardini and Jeroen Heiliegers. The project gives kids the chance to take performing art lessons during the holidays. The teachers create a musical with each group.
Every child will act and sing
And that, in only four days. The musicals are put together in such a way that every child has a role – each with lines and a solo.
So, each child gets the attention needed to develop their talent. This is a first for Parktheater Eindhoven too. Sound interesting?
The workshop will run on 19 to 21, and 23 October, from 10:00 to 15:00. The show kicks off at 14:00 on the final day. It costs €137.95 and parents can register their kids on the Musical4daagse website.
Source: Musical4daagse