The Technical University will only open up scientific vacancies to women in the coming period.
In this way, more balance needs to be struck in the ratio between men and women in the academic staff. The first half year that the vacancy is open, therefore, only women can respond. If no one has been hired after that period, men are also eligible for the position. The measure applies to 100 percent of scientific job vacancies in the coming year and a half. After that, every year it is considered whether that percentage can be adjusted.
Big step
The university has about 150 scientific positions to fill in the coming years. So a big step can suddenly be made. And according to rector Frank Baaijens of the TU/e this is also necessary. ‘We have had measures for years to increase the low percentage of women in our academic staff, but we are progressing too slowly. We are aware that we are dealing with an implicit gender bias. That is why we are now using the fact that we will be considerably expanding our scientific staff in the coming years, to suddenly take a big step in this. ‘
The measure falls within the new Irène Curie Fellowships of the university, which will start on 1 July. Female scientists who come in through this scheme receive a special starter package: an additional 100.000 euros to spend on their own research and there is a special mentoring program for this group.
The goal of the TU/e is to ultimately have half of the academic staff consist of women. The minimum percentage for associate professors and professors is 35 percent.
better close the university right now. universities should aspire for scientific excellence and not politically correctness…