The Eindhovens Film Festival (EFF) has attracted more visitors again. Last weekend, 4500 film fans attended the Eindhoven event. An increase of a thousand visitors compared to 2017.
According to the organisation, the various workshops attracted more visitors. “It’s a ‘separate’ festival, where we do things slightly different than other film festivals. It’s also the reason why the festival suits Eindhoven so well. This city overflows with gutsy film talent”, states director Frank van der Linden.
Popularity continuous to increase
The popularity of this Eindhoven festival has steadily increased over the years. Last year saw an important increase in visitors. The use of more locations caused this. Besides the traditional Natlab, cinemas Vue and the TAC on the Vonderweg became EFF venues.
According to van der Linden, the increase in visitors and venues will grow. “We want to reach the same category as Dutch Design Week, or Glow. To really contribute to Eindhoven”.
“Effie” off
During the past weekend there was only one “hitch”. Someone made off with a large image of EFF’s new mascot “Effie”. Two statues of “Effie” graced the doorstep of Natlab, but one of these disappeared.
“It’s a great pity, but I can laugh about it”, says van der Linden. “We would like to see our beloved ‘Effie’ returned. So whoever took it, is invited to bring it back and have a cup of coffee with me”. Who fell in love with and eloped with “Effie” remains a mystery yet to be solved.
Golden Wings Award
During the festival, the Golden Wings Awards were presented. The film “Make Aliens Dance Best” was nominated Best Film. Calvin Dean, who has a role in the film, was nominated Best Actor. Tine Cartuyvels was nominated Best Actress for her role in “Happy New Year”.
Source: Studio 040
Translator: Kate