There is a ban in place against watering lawns and sports fields with groundwater once more.
The ban is set by the Waterboards Aa and Maas, Brabantse Delta and the Dommel. The measure is set because of the extreme drought.
There has been a temporary allowance for watering with groundwater for a period of ten days. This was to prevent the drought causing irreparable damage to sports fields and grasslands. Cows are having a difficult time grazing.
The ban is valid until the end of this month. Groundwater may be used again from first August.
This doesn’t mean that you can’t water your own garden, fill a toddler splashing tub or wash your car with tap water. This is allowed but Dutch Government calls for economical and conscious use of water.
In June there was an average of 29 millimeters rainfall, which is normally 68 millimeters, the KNMI (Dutch meteorological institute) reports. This means June 2018 is in the top 10 of driest June months since 1906.
Translated by: Bob