The Noordbrabantse Museum has acquired another work by Vincent van Gogh from his Nuenen period. It concerns the canvas, ‘Stilleven met flessen en schelp‘ (‘Still life with bottles and shell’).
The work was painted in 1884. Until now it has been in the hands of foreign collectors. The museum paid EUR2.5 million for the painting. The province and the Bankgiroloterij (Dutch Lottery operator) also contributed.
The work is considered to be one of the best still lifes from his Brabant period. After some minor restoration, the painting will be on display from autumn in the museum in Den Bosch.
The museum purchased the works, ‘Tuin van de pastorie in Nuenen’ (‘Garden of the rectory in Nuenen’) and ‘Collse Watermolen’ (‘Collse Watermill’) over the past few years. Next year the Noordbrabant Museum wants to open a specific exhibition on the relationships Van Gogh maintained with family, friends, models, and other artists.
Translator: Bob