At the Fontys Sporthogeschool in the Genneper Parken in Eindhoven, a temporary Park & Ride will be opened on Saturday.
The P&R can accommodate 150 cars and should reduce the crowds in the Eindhoven city center. It will be extra busy in the city center in the coming weeks and it would help if a part of the motorists park their car outside the ring road, that’s the idea at least. Users do not have to pay for a parking space, and the bus ride to the center is free.
Previously, alderman of Traffic Visscher, already announced that there would be several pop-up P&Rs in Eindhoven, such as the High Tech Campus and Winkelcentrum Woensel.
In the long term, more permanent P&R locations should be established in Eindhoven. With this, the municipality wants to reduce traffic pressure in the city center and improve air quality there. Ultimately, the center must become a low-traffic area. The municipality also hopes to contribute to this with other measures such as bottlenecks and better public transport.
Source: Studio040