Qualcomm acquires NXP for $47 billion

U.S. technology company Qualcomm will take over Eindhoven chip maker NXP. The Americans paid $47 billion for the company, which is approximately 43 billion euros.

There had been rumours of the acquisition for some time, but today both companies made the official announcement in a joint statement.

Both Qualcomm and NXP are engaged in making chips. Qualcomm focuses on chips that are used in mobile devices such as phones, while NXP makes a wide range of chips, such as for the automotive industry, but also for security and the ‘Internet of Things’, where all kinds of devices are connected and may communicate with each other.

Qualcomm wants to strengthen itself in the world of chip makers with the acquisition of NXP . The US manufacturer expects that in the future many more devices will be connected with each other in an ‘intelligently connected world. ” With the acquisition of NXP, Qualcomm expects to be better prepared.

Source: Studio040

Translation: Lenise Collimore

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