Already three bike accidents today at different locations in Eindhoven. This morning a biker was hit by a car at the Kosmolaan, she had right of way but the driver probably did not see her. Another biker was hit just after 9:00 this morning at the intersection of Halve Maanstraat and Koenraadlaan. A third biker was slightly injured at the “Horror” roundabout Kasteellaan near de corner of the Meerenakkerweg.
Luckily the bikers were not seriously injured, and did not require any hospital care. The accident at the Kosmolaan was probably due to the car’s heavily fogged windshield. The girl on the bike was looked after by ambulance paramedics and was allowed to go home. The car in the accident at the Halve Maanstraat was seriously damaged with a broken windshield, but the man hit by the car got away with a hurt leg, which paramedics checked and no hospital care was required. The woman driver apologized and offered to pay for the bike damage.
The biker at the Kasteellaan roundabout had an arm injury, and ambulance paramedics were able to treat this on location, and the victim did not have to go the hospital. This roundabout has a history of accidents, even though the traffic situation has been adapted by the Eindhoven municipality some time ago.
Translation: Peter Marijnissen