If you enjoy watching top swimmers then the Swim Cup Eindhoven 2013 will definitely be something for you. For the ninth time is ‚PSV Zwemmen‘ (PSV Swimming) organizing the Swim Cup Eindhoven at the Pieter van den Hoogenband swim stadium. The event will take place from Thursday, 04 April until Sunday, 7 April 2013. Besides the well-known Dutch swimmers Ranomi Kromowidjojo and Sebastiaan Verschuren there will also be international swimmers like Hanah Miley or Evgeny Korotyshkin.
Date: Thursday, 04 April – Sunday, 07 April 2013
Time: 09.30 – 18.00 hrs, start finales: 16.30 hrs
Tickets: €6 per day (presale online via website)
Location: Pieter van den Hoogenband Zwemstadion, Antoon Coolenlaan 1, 5600 CJ Eindhoven
More info: http://www.swimcup.nl/